
It’s almost time to make your New Year’s resolutions, so why not take some time to focus on yourself this year? While things like a gym membership or committing to a healthier diet can all help create a new you, you don’t want to forget about your teeth either. After all, your smile is often the first thing others notice about you. Have you been hiding your smile because of teeth issues?

New Year, New Smile

If you have misaligned, discolored or other issues with your teeth that you’ve been putting off treating, now is the perfect time to start thinking about this. Here’s a look at how some basic dental work can help create a new you.


Veneers are shells that attach to the front parts of teeth. They’re typically made of porcelain and help correct issues such as tooth misalignment, discoloration, chips and cracks, and other abnormalities. There are a lot of benefits to veneers, including:

  • Durability: Veneers can last for up to 25 years and don’t require any special maintenance outside of normal brushing and flossing.
  • Great look: Veneers are custom-made per tooth and designed to fit proportionately to complement the other teeth in the mouth. Because of this high level of precision, they blend in seamlessly with other teeth and look natural.
  • Psychological boost: If you’re self-conscious about your smile, veneers are an ideal long-term cosmetic dentistry solution to help create a new, more vibrant you.

Tooth Whitening

One fast, easy way to get whiter teeth is via a professional tooth whitening. Ideal for patients who have stained or discolored teeth, or who just want a brighter overall smile, a professional teeth whitening will enhance your appearance without breaking the bank. Another benefit is a whiter smile can help you feel more confident and positive. While there are at-home teeth whitening kits available, many are unable to match the effectiveness of the procedure when conducted by a dentist. Compared to veneers, however, one thing to note about teeth whitening is that you may need regular treatments to ensure long-term effectiveness.

Save on Vibrant Smiles

You can get a brighter, more vibrant smile to ring in the new year. Contact Kanehl Dental today to ask about our services and find the right option for your smile.