
All-on-4 implants are becoming an increasingly popular full or partial mouth restoration procedure. This method offers many benefits over traditional dental implants as well as artificial teeth alternatives, such as dentures. However, while an increasingly popular treatment method, it's still a fairly new procedure. With that being said, many dental patients with either missing or failing teeth have a lot of questions about the procedure and wonder whether or not it's the best for their situation.

We've outlined three major areas where All-on-4 shines compared to more conventional methods of tooth restoration and/or replacement.

All-on-4 Implants are Secure and Durable

Unlike dentures, All-on-4 consists of administering implants into the jaw bone, making the implanted set of teeth permanently secured in the mouth. All-on-4 implants are typically inserted into the jaw bone at an angle, meaning that there's an even greater level of security and durability. Traditional implants are often inserted straight on, which is comparatively less secure.

The Dental Procedure is Minimally Invasive

When compared to traditional dental implants, All-on-4 is much less invasive. For starters, All-on-4, hence the name, only requires four implants per arch, where conventional implants may require up to eight per arch (and maybe even more beyond this). This alone makes the procedure easier on the patient. Additionally, traditional implants usually require some type of bone grafting. All-on-4, conversely, does not. It's these two characteristics of the All-on-4 procedure that just make things easier for the patient involved - one of its biggest benefits.

All-on-4 Implants are Easy to Maintain

Finally, All-on-4 implants are super easy to maintain, which is a big differentiator from dentures. Dentures need to be removed from the mouth each night, cleaned and then reapplied with the appropriate adhesive. All-on-4 implants are secure and durable within the mouth because the implants are installed in the jaw bone. Additionally, All-on-4 implants are maintained the same way that you'd care for natural teeth. Just brush at least twice a day, floss at least once per day and be sure to see the dentist once every six months to properly maintain them. Simple enough, right?

Ask Your Dentist for More Information

There are a lot of other benefits when it comes to the All-on-4 process. For instance, after the permanent teeth are administered, there are no real eating restrictions that patients have to abide by. Last but not least, the look of the finished process is second to none. In fact, if patients who have undergone the All-on-4 process aren't forthcoming with the information that their teeth are artificial, nobody would even be able to tell the difference. 

If you think the All-on-4 procedure might be right for you or want more information, contact Kanehl Dental today.